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No Talking
Is Believing

Smallholder Farmers in Africa aren't interested in reports or sales talk. They simple start testing to see the results for themselves, on their own farm. They are surprised at the positive effects Rebearth has on their soil, the health of their crops and the dramatic increase in yield. 

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 Maize Comparison, Webuye Kenya 2018 


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 Maize Comparison, Kakamega, Kenya 2018 


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Rebearth stimulates soil life and root development from the start. That's why we always ask farmers to pull some plants out of the ground to see for themselves.

It All Starts
in the Soil


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 Maize Root Comparison, Kitale Kenya, July 2022 

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 Maize Root Comparison, Kitale Kenya, August 2022 

Rebalanced Soils 
Higher Yields
Lower Cost

Rice cultivation in Kenya showing consistently much better performance in shorter harvest times, higher yields, higher drought resistance, lower input costs and higher weight per bag. 

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Happy Isaak Ogendo, Ahero, Kenya

  Weight per bag: +35%
  Input-costs: -84%
  Yield: +153%  

 REBEARTH   only 

The effects of Climate Change are being felt by Smallholders every day. Especially drought is having a big impact on yields in Africa. Rebearth treated crops show a very strong resilience against drought starting from germination.

Climate Change
Is Real


  Rice at transplant after 3 weeks drought, Machina Kenya, July 2022 



 REBEARTH  only 

Drought Tolerance Becomes

Drought is effecting crop yields worldwide but especially in Africa. Farmers can't rely on rains anymore and most often don't have access to irrigation systems. Rebearth treated crops stay strong.

 Maize during dry-spell and Fall Armywom attack , Machina Kenya, April 2022 


 REBEARTH  only 

  Rice during dry-spell, Machina Kenya, April 2022 


 REBEARTH  only 

All farmers experience pests and diseases as their first fears in preventing them from getting a good harvest. In making crops healthier and stronger Rebearth proofs to be very effective as a Pest-Control.

Fall-armyworm being just one of them.

Make Crops Fight-off Pests Themselves

 Mr. Owiti's farm in Ahero, Kenya, May 2022 


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REBEARTH is Made in Holland

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